Upgrade your SkyAngel911Wrist
to a SkyAngelSlim Watch

This upgrade will allow you to do the following:
- Sequentially call 3 numbers other than 911
- Will text a contact when SOS is activated
- Will text a contact when a fall is detected
- Will text a contact when battery is low
- Ability to store common numbers in a phonebook
- Ability to block unknown incoming calls
- Ability to receive incoming calls to the watch
- Ability to make setting changes using the APP
- Ability to Video Chat
- Ability to find a lost watch
- Ability to track the watch with an APP
... and more.
What are the steps to upgrade?
1. Click below to Purchase the Upgrade. You will select your plan, either monthly or annual and pay the one-time upgrade fee.
2. Ship your current SkyAngel911Wrist to the address provided in the checkout document.
3. Your new unit will be shipped the next day after your unit is received in our office