About the founder and ATS Mission:
Headquartered in Nashville Tennessee, ATS was founded in 2008 by Ron Arnold. With a background of over 25 years in the computer and health care industries, it was his own experience caring for his mother, Helen, and her encouragement that inspired him to create Assistive Technology Services.
For over a decade, he spent a great deal of time caring for his mother. Her health problems began with intestinal surgery. This resulted in her having an Ileosotomy leaving her with a colostomy bag. During her lengthy stay in the hospital, she developed a level 4 dicubitus ulcer (major bed sore) on her bottom. The surgery and bed sore were shortly followed by a heart attack and then stroke, leaving her with a multitude of secondary conditions. She was morbidly obese; oxygen dependent due to Emphysema, diagnosed with Dementia, and was legally blind. While her health was failing, her will to live independently did not. She refused to leave her home and refused the help of institutionalized care. Being able to care for her needs in a way that was suitable to her and possible for Ron living nearly 100 miles away became Ron’s life and mission. Not only did he need to develop solutions that would allow his mother to be able to live independently at home, but also economically without the high cost of 24 hour in home nursing care.
Using his expertise in electronics and experience in the health care industry, Ron evaluated her needs and provided many devices that allowed her to continue to live at home and care for herself in many ways. One of the many solutions he implemented was an internet video monitoring system that allowed him to ‘check-in’ on her. Through this system, he was able to view live video, listen in, speak with her, and review snapshots and recordings of what occurred during the day. This gave both Ron and Helen a great feeling of comfort and security knowing that he could watch what was happening without being there.
While it has been many years since his mother’s passing, Ron took great comfort in knowing he was able to provide her with the quality of life she wanted in her remaining years.
It is now our greatest hope and desire to assist other caretakers and disabled individuals in finding the same quality of life and peace of mind.
Assistive Technology Services has grown to be the leader in providing 'no monthly fee emergency alert systems' throughout the world. This growth has resulted in the development of multiple warehouses and hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers worldwide. It is the company’s hope that the next years will prove as rewarding as the last while ATS continues to serve customers in loving memory of Helen Arnold.
