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Health Club Safety Alert System

Choose a Package or Build Your Own System

Why An Alert System:

Most state insurance regulations require an Alert System to be in place for any Health Club, 24 Hour Gym or Fitness Center where a customer could become injured and need assistance.

How It Works:

Simply plug the base unit into a normal phone line (will also work with Internet Phone Services, VOIP, Vonage, Comcast, Verizon, MagicJack, Ooma, and more). Program up to 4 telephone numbers for the system to call - you're done. This system will call up to 4 telephone numbers by simply pressing 1 button, plus (optionally) 911. If no one responds to the first phone number it will roll to the next number until someone responds to the call. It will not be fooled by an answering machine, the system knows if a 'human' answers the emergency call.

Why This One Is Special:

This system is the ONLY alert system available that allows the user to press a single button and speak directly through the two-way voice communication pendant or wall mounted communicator. Unlike most other panic systems where there is only a button, this system is a full two-way voice communication system through the portable, wireless, water resistant communicator. By being able to speak to help, the system provides the responder detailed information regarding the exact nature of the situation. If the user cannot speak the system will still play a message that will indicate there is an emergency situation and help is needed. Regulations regarding contacting 911 service in many areas require the ability to verbally communicate to 911 if you call them. This system covers all 911 requirements in the U.S. and Canada. This system complies with NENA Standards. The National Emergency Numbers Association (NENA) is the affiliation of 911 emergency operators.


Base Unit Plugs Into Telephone Line Long Range Wireless Pendant Communicator Wall/Table Mountable Wireless Communicator



What's included:


Every Base unit includes:

The Base unit, 4 AA Rechargeable Batteries for backup, 110v Power Adapter and Plug, telephone cord, user manual

Every Pendant Includes:

1 Pendant, 1 rechargeable pendant batteries, wrist strap, necklace lanyard, belt clip, user manual

Every Wall Communicator Includes:

1 Wall Communicator, 4 AA batteries, mounting screws, double sided tape for mounting, user manual

Deluxe Packages

Health Club Alert with 4 Wearable Two-Way Voice Communicators Package 


  Two-Way Voice Communication System with 4 Wearable Communicators

Only $780.00 with Free Priority Shipping


** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **


This unit has a maximum capacity of 4 communicators. Multiple units may be purchased and will not interfere with each other.


Health Club Alert with 4 Wall Mountable Two-Way Communicators Package



Two-Way Voice Communication System with 4 Wall Mountable Communicators

Only $780.00 with Free Priority Shipping


** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **


This unit has a maximum capacity of 4 communicators. Multiple units may be purchased and will not interfere with each other.


Health Club Alert with 2 Wall Mountable Two-Way Communicators and 2 Wearable Two-Way Communicators Package




Two-Way Voice Communication System with 2 Wearable Communicators and 2 Wall Mountable Communicators

Only $780.00 with Free Priority Shipping


** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **




This unit has a maximum capacity of 4 communicators. Multiple units may be purchased and will not interfere with each other.


Health Club Alert with 3 Wall Mountable Two-Way Communicators and 1 Wearable Two-Way Communicators Package



Two-Way Voice Communication System with 1 Wearable Communicator and 3 Wall Mountable Communicators

Only $780.00 with Free Priority Shipping


** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **




This unit has a maximum capacity of 4 communicators. Multiple units may be purchased and will not interfere with each other. 


Build Your Own System 
Select # Of Base Units Select Number Of Wearable Communicators Select number Of Wall Mountable Communicators 
Only $220.00 Only $150.00 Each Only $150.00 Each




** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **




** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **

** Please call 615-562-0043 to order **



NOTE: A Maximum of 4 Communicators of any type can be used with 1 Base Unit.

Questions and Answers???



Can I try it and return it if I am not satisfied?

Yes, there is a 30 day return policy. You can try it for 30 days and return it for a refund if you are not satisfied.


Is there a warranty?

Yes, there is a 1 year full warranty on all of the equipment. If there are any problems in the first year we will replace the part or the entire system.


What is the range of the wireless pendant or emergency wall communicator?

The range can vary based on the environment. In a clear environment the range can be up to 600 feet. The system should easily cover any normal business through walls and floors and cover upstairs downstairs many hundreds of feet away from the base unit.


Is this system compatible with VOIP and Cable Telephone Systems (bundled home phone/internet services)?

Yes, this system will work with your cable phone systems and many others like Comcast, Verizon, Magic Jack, Vonage, and more.


What if I can't speak to the person that the system called, how will they know I need help?

The system will play a recorded message that says "This is an emergency ..." about 15 seconds into the call. The person answering will hear this message and know that you need help even if you cannot speak.


What happens if an answering machine answers, how does the system know the difference between an answering machine and a person answering?

This system will not be fooled by answering machines. After about 15 seconds into the call the system will play a message saying 'press 5' to accept this call'. If the system does not hear someone press a '5' the system will assume it is an answering machine or no one answered and hang up and call the next number.


How do the rechargeable batteries in the base unit for backup get charged?

There are 4 AAA rechargeable batteries in the base unit. They are automatically charged all the time so there is never a need to charge them. The base has a built in battery charger that they are placed in.


How long does the charge for the battery in the pendant last?

The battery in the pendant is a rechargeable battery. Under normal use it should last several months. There is a backup rechargeable battery that is always charging in the base system. When the battery in the pendant gets low the base unit will announce that the battery for the pendant is low, needs replacing or pendant battery is totally dead. The system will also call the first contact number and play a message telling the receiver of the call that the battery on the pendant is getting low. Simply take the charged battery from the base unit and exchange it with the low battery from the pendant. You will always have a charged battery available so there is no waiting for the battery to be charged.


What happens if the power goes out or I accidentally unplug the power?

Not a problem. The base unit has 4 AA rechargeable batteries that will keep the system running for at least 24 hours if there is a power outage. In addition, the telephone numbers and settings in the system will not be lost even if the power goes out. Plus, if the power does go out or you accidentally unplug the base unit, the unit will tell you with a real voice that says 'running on battery power'. The system will repeat this to let you know the system is not connected to electricity. Once the power is restored the message will stop. The important thing is that the system will work just fine if the power goes out and you can still call for assistance with the unit.


Can I use more than 1 pendant or wall communicator on this system?

Yes, you can use up to 4 pendants or wall communicators on one base unit. Extra pendants and wall communicators can be purchased separately at any time.


What if another business close by has the same system, will my pendant or communicator set their system off?

No. Each pendant or communicator is 'paired' to a base unit. This means that you can use the pendant or communicator with just your system.


Do I have to call 911?

No, this system will call any number that you program it to call. You can have it call 911 only if you choose to.


What happens if I cannot speak and the systems calls 911?

The E911 system in the United States automatically knows your address based on the caller id of the phone number from where you called. If you call 911 and do not speak they automatically send emergency assistance to the location of the call. In addition, the system will announce to the receiver of the call that this is an emergency call and assistance is needed.


Can I take it to a different location?

Yes, take it to a new location at any time. It will retain the telephone numbers that you have programmed into it even if the batteries are removed.


Will it work in Canada or other countries?

It will work in Canada. Countries other than Canada may require an electrical adapter and a telephone jack adapter to connect to the power and the phone line.


Will it call and work with cell phones?

Yes. Just program the cell phone number into the system the same way that you would if you were calling the cell phone number directly from the phone line.

What if I do not have a home phone or a 'land line"? Can I use a cell phone to call out with this system?

Yes, there are bluetooth adapters available if your cell phone has a bluetooth connection. Talk to us and we can help you with this available option.


How do I check that the battery is ok and the pendant is connected to a phone line?

Just press the gray button on the back of the pendant or on the wall communicator to check the battery and the pendants connection at any time. Plus, the pendant or wall communicator and base will automatically announce when the battery charge is getting low and it is time to change the battery.